Is your work andbusiness life sapping the joy out of your home and family?
You’re not alone.Stress is a part of most jobs. Here are five ways to operate your businesssuccessfully without adding stress to the lives of the very people who mostwant to support you.
Communicate— carefully.
When you’re notfully present at home because you’re distracted by work, your family mightinterpret your lack of attention to mean that you don’t value them or that theydid something wrong. Instead, be transparent about what’s going on.
But don’t over communicateto the point of worrying young minds with problems that might overly concernthem. Keep it brief and assure them you have it under control.
Transition- intentionally.
Come up with waysto intentionally make the transition from work mode to home mode. You mightlook at a family photo before you leave work as a way to redirect your focus toyour family.
Download- elsewhere.
Your familyprovides you with support and is sensitive to your stressors and moods.Although it’s helpful to communicate with them about what’s on your mind, besure not to unload all your pent-up emotions on them.
Find a trustedfriend, colleague, or coach — or maybe someone from your personal board of directors — who can support you during times of highstress.
Seta day aside – every week.
Let your familyknow when you’ll be home and fully present and agree on a day. On thisday, you need to switch off the phone, stay away from the computer and planspecial events and fun.
Countyour blessings.
Research showsthat gratitude has many benefits, including reduced stress. Before you get home,review your workday to identify one thing — no matter how small — for whichyou’re grateful.
By using thesestrategies you will loosen the grip stress has on you and preserve your familylife from work stress.
Adapted HBR March 2019 Nawaz